spinning your wheels








Into simulating your chakras? Begin at muladhara, the root, and work your way up the sushumna, singing these mantras to awaken Kundalini, the latent consciousness coiled at the base of your pelvic floor, encouraging her rise to the crown of your head, and the balance of your energy body.

Lam at Muladhara, your center of support, then Vam at Svadhistana--the seat of the vital forces. Follow with Ram at Manipura chakra, where will and ego reside, Yam at the focus of love at Anahata chakra. Next comes Ham at Vishuddha in the throat, the powerful centre of communication, and Om, at Anja, the third eye of Insight. Silence is the song that completes the sequence at the seventh chakra, the sahasrara, envisioned as a thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of the head, with the ability to create integration.

Tap into the battery charge of each spinning energy disk, amassing prana as you travel upward, until your feel the vitality surging through you--free and as strong as a river in spring.