pretzel logic

In the world at large we act from the skin out. In the morning, we shower, dress, check ourselves out in the mirror--witnessing our outer selves, as others see us. All the long day, our senses are busy retrieving the outside information necessary to navigate our lives.

In our yoga class, though, we are invited inside. We think about our muscles, our fascia. We position/ re-position our bones with meticulous precision. Listening to our breath, we move with it, work with it, directing our energy within. We taste ourselves--what stock we're made of.

With this interior focus, we establish a radical reference point, a radical view of ourselves; we perform that greatest of magical tricks--The Change In Perspective.

From this new vantage, we find new challenges, new satisfactions. New cares, and new commitments.

People may think yoga is about bending into a pretzel, but they have no idea that our goal is actually to turn ourselves completely inside out. To see the seams, then erase them, knitting ourselves a deeper, more expansive, and more integrated reality. Discrepancies minimized. Partitions dismantled. Seamless and whole.

BTW...have you noticed that a pretzel is shaped like a heart? Just another unexplained but delicious moment of synchronicity.