keep breathing...

Close your eyes and Come Inside.

With each inhale, feel your inner body expand. Breath past the periphery of your skin. Breath in 3-D: ribs expanding laterally, back filling, chest rising. 

Feel your attachment to the ground, and from that, let the breath climb your spine, growing your torso, your shoulders, the crown of your head. Feel taller than you've ever felt before.

Increase the space inside you. Claim that space with your next breath.

Imagine a small light inside your belly. With each inhale, let the light get brighter, dim slightly on your exhale. Grow brighter, then dim. Brighter, then dim.

Begin to deepen your breath and brighten the light. Listen to your ujaii, to your neighbor's ujaii, murmuring like the ocean.

Put your ear to Shiva's conch and hear the primordial OM, the sound of all creation. Your ujaii and your neighbor's ujaii are vital components of the sound of the universe. Match the sound within and without, letting your breath wash over you, as soft and seductive as the sea lapping the shore.

Float your ribs up on a breath, bringing the light up to your neck, into your head, until your whole body is glowing. Sparkling. Polished with breath.

Open your eyes and take your light into the world.