Shine On!

The fulcrum between accumulating darkness and the return of the light, winter solstice wields an unrestrained potency. As with so many of our celebrations--birthdays, anniversaries, even school reunions--we hesitate and recognize the passage of time.

But unlike these personal milestones, the solstice is shared by us all. It's a communal event, as we witness dawn tarrying day by day. As shadows gather, folding around us like heavy curtains, that feeling of being slightly cheated by the waning daylight is mutual.

Throughout our adult lives, we glance back anxiously, watching as childhood fades, as doors close. We see time as relentless, maybe even heartless, on its grim march. Did we miss an opportunity? Should we have, could we have...?

Instead of a time line, the solstice reminds us of nature's cycles: time spins a whorl, graceful as a seashell. It offers up the hospitality of an open door. If we hop softly over that threshold--buoyed by hope--and allow some uncomfortable baggage to remain behind, we find our heart is feather-light, the future ablaze with potential.

Carry only what you need for the days ahead, when the glow advances back into our lives, welcome and warm. Let optimism abide in your heart. Let your eyes see the possibilities.

Celebrate the solstice with friends, to remember that the dark times are easier to bear with the reassurance of a supportive arm. When the light around us fades, we need to amp up our own power, shine our own light a bit brighter. Then watch gratefully as the world emerges from the shadows into radiance once again.