it's all good, eh?

When I planned to return to Canada after many years of living in the US, people teased, asking if I was going to start "speaking Canadian." You know how to spell Canada, they'd say? C, eh. N, eh. D, eh. (I know. It's cute.)

But rather curiously, I did notice a shift in Canadian speech patterns, and it wasn't simply an accent thing. The tone was different...optimistic, upbeat.

People here say "Right on!" like it's still the Summer of Love. When someone asks you to sign your name, they don't mutter thanks, but instead chirp, "PERFECT!" With real enthusiasm. Authentic good cheer.

My favourite Canadian-ism, though? The ever-present, ever-lovable, "it's all good." Even when people here complain a little, gently whining about this or that, they invariably finish up by turning the tables back to the positive with an "it's all good." (Often adding a "no worries" for emphasis, they assure Fate they hold no bitterness.)

I love this phrase not simply for its buoyant bhava (flavour), because it's so beautifully Tantric. When life is seen from a Tantric perspective, it is not a tribulation to be tolerated or overcome, but a blessing to be savoured. Sucked on like the last caramel in the box...slowly, sensuously. En-joy-ed. To the nth. To the last drop. All the way. Full on.

Because it's all good.

Thoughts and feelings are held in our tissues. Habit is as much about recurrent patterns of thought as behaviour: we become what we think, what we do. We all know this--whether it's prejudice or injury, we're walking around schlepping our own baggage. We become it.

But when viewed with Tantric eyes--with all form emanating from one energy source--we put the stops on this kind of positive/ negative dichotomization. If all form is from the same one source, how can it not be all good? Then, whether you're one who judges the glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full makes no nevermind, it's all simply possibility: to learn, to grow. To explore our potential within our given form, with our given attributes. To be the best "me", a virtuoso of myself-ness. To top off our own--1/2 empty or 1/2 full--glass.

BTW, it's a trick glass, like one from a magician's showroom. It never gets full; there's always room for more. That's the way the universe is: there's always room at the inn.

Room to create yourself. To re-create yourself. To switch your vibration and become your deepest desire. To make beauty.

Because it's all good.